A Savior For You

The prodigal son asking his father for his inheritance

Are you a happy person? Fear and the guilt of sin can take away your happiness. You may wonder, “How can I be happy?”

I have good news for you! There is someone who can help you. He can forgive your sins and give you lasting happiness. His name is Jesus. Let me tell you about Him.

His Father, God, is the One who made the world. He made everything in the world. He made you and me.

God loves us. He loves everyone in the world. God loves us so much that He sent Jesus, his only Son, to this world. When Jesus was on this earth, He healed the sick and comforted the sad. He opened blinded eyes. He taught the people many things.

Complete text of: A Savior For You

Jesus wanted us to understand the great love that his Father has for you and me. He told this story that explained the love of his Father. You can read this in the Bible in St. Luke 15:11-24.

A certain man had two sons. He thought all was going well. One day one of the sons rebelled and came to him and said, “I don’t like this home, I want my own way, and I am leaving. Give me my share of the inheritance.” The father was very sad, but he gave him the money and let him go. He wondered if he would ever see his son again.

The son went far away and enjoyed himself with his money and his friends. He carelessly wasted his money in selfish living. He thought he was having a very good time until suddenly his money ran out and his friends left him. He was all alone and needy. Now what should he do?

He went to a farmer and the farmer sent him to feed the pigs. He was not given enough to eat. He was so hungry he would have eaten the pigs’ food. He started to think of all the bad things he had done and how he had mistreated his father. He became more and more miserable.

The prodigal son feeding the pigs

One day he remembered how loving his father had been and how well he had been provided for when he was still at home. Even his father’s servants had plenty to eat.

He thought, “Could I go back to my father after all I have done to him? Will he still love me? I am not worthy to be his son. I am willing to be just a servant if only he will take me in.”

Immediately he got to his feet and started for his father’s house. He would see if his father would forgive him.

The father had been longing for his son ever since he left. He often wondered, “Will he ever come back?” Then one day he saw someone coming in the distance. Could that be his son? When he saw that it was, he ran to him with outstretched arms.

“Father,” the son said, “I have sinned against you. I’m not worthy to be your son.”

But his father said, “Bring the best clothes for him and prepare a feast. My son was lost but now he is found.”

The father welcoming the prodigal son home

We are all like this son; we have all strayed from God, our Father. We have wasted the opportunities and many good things He has given us. We have lived selfishly and rebelled against Him. Today our heavenly Father invites us to come to Jesus. He is waiting for us with outstretched arms.

Jesus showed us his love by giving his life as a sacrifice for our sins and the sins of the whole world. He suffered pain and rejection as He allowed wicked men to nail Him to a cross. By the power of God He rose from the dead and lives forever.

Come to Jesus and ask Him to forgive your sin. When He sees you are sorry for the wrongs you have done, He will forgive you and wash away all your sin with his blood that He shed. It will be a wonderful experience! You will become a new person. Life will take on new meaning. Jesus will replace your guilt and fear with joy and happiness. He will be your Savior.

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Peace, Freedom, and Happiness

Have you ever thought, “If I could be perfectly free, I would be happy; I would have peace”? Many people have sought complete freedom in order to have happiness and peace. People desire to be free of all restraints, somehow believing that if they could do just as they please, this would bring happiness. Does it?

The laughter and carefree atmosphere prevalent in today’s society seem to offer the promise of happiness. The party life is so attractive to many. People with alcohol and all night to indulge with their companions feel assured of happiness. These settings do not provide the peace and happiness people are seeking.

Recreational drugs promise wonderful highs. One would think surely these would bring happiness, and with that happiness, peace. Do they?

Modern music, which penetrates mind and body, works together with alcohol and drugs to bring more highs. This does not bring real happiness either.

Complete text of: Peace, Freedom, and Happiness

Indulging sexually to the fullest extent of human lust, with no thought of self-restraint, offers promise of fulfillment. It only brings an emptiness and disappointment. No, happiness is not found there.

In our time many are promoting the thought that in these and other areas, one should be completely free to do just as he pleases. They believe that there should be no law, no stigma, and no ill feelings for the one who indulges in these gratifications in his pursuit of happiness and peace. It is thought that total freedom ought to bring peace and happiness. Happiness is always to be found, they advocate, in yet another indulgence, another high of some kind. People think that if they are only seeking personal happiness, they will not be held responsible for their actions. They feel that they are entitled to their fair share of “happiness.”

If happiness is to be found in these ways, why the lonely feeling in the crowded bar? Why the low after the high? Why the uneasy feeling after the indulgence? Why the letdown feeling after the intimate relationship breaks off? If indulgence brings happiness and peace, why do they always seem to be just beyond our grasp? Why are there so many problems, and why does life seem so empty?

Many people are driven to succeed financially. Others excel in sports. Some strive to become famous. Even if these goals are achieved, an unsettled feeling lingers. One may find happiness for a short time, but lasting peace and happiness remain elusive. 

Self-indulgence is not true freedom. It will never bring happiness or peace. Self-indulgence is sin because it is service to self instead of service to God.

Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-29, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.”

How is it with you? Do you feel uneasy and troubled? Do the problems in the world and in your relationships cause you anxiety, guilt, and fear? Do you sometimes wonder if anybody really loves and cares for you?

Be assured God does love you. He is keenly interested that you find peace, freedom, and happiness. True peace comes not in indulging more, but in giving up yourself. Yielding yourself to God and trusting Him brings rest to your souls. Jesus says, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you” (John 14:27).

Answer Jesus’s invitation. Come unto Him with all your heart. Give to Him your past, present, and future. Turn from the empty, wasted life you have been living. Then you will find true freedom, true happiness, true peace, and true love. You will have hope for the future and the promise of eternal life if you will remain faithful. May God bless you as you seek and find peace and rest.

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God Is Looking for a Man

Do you sincerely want to be a man of God? Are you looking for true fulfillment in your life? Have you tried, but failed, to be an honest and trustworthy man? Have you tried to be a kind and understanding father, but struggle with anger and impatience with your family? Is it difficult to work with other people? If you have tried and failed, God can help you.

When we are born again and accept Jesus as our Savior, God gives us a new heart. Our goals and motives in life change and we find a new desire to be like Jesus. We do not have the strength of ourselves to be true and godly men, but our strength comes from God alone. His Spirit comes into our heart and helps us every day. “Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might” (Ephesians 6:10).

God desires to be in the heart of every man. He is looking for someone to be a leader in his home, among his people, and in society. The Bible tells us about a courageous man named Joshua. God chose him to be the leader of the children of Israel. He told Joshua, “Only be thou strong and very courageous” (Joshua 1:7). God wanted to give the land of Canaan to his people. He knew they could not conquer the land without his help. Men today also need God’s help.

Complete text of: God Is Looking for a Man

When a man’s sins are forgiven and he experiences the love of God in his heart, that love reaches out to others. This love causes him to have a soft heart, to feel compassion, to have a desire to understand, and to be longsuffering. He will be honest, trustworthy, and willing to stand for the truth. These attributes are not signs of weakness but are true gifts from God. God is ready to give him strength and power in his life to overcome the evil, selfishness, and immorality that is in the world.

God has a perfect plan for his creation that has not changed. He created man and woman to complete and complement each other. “Male and female created he them” (Genesis 1:27). A man has a responsibility to be true to his wife and to provide and care for her. When God is his leader, his wife can have confidence to follow him. This provides her with security and fulfillment. If he has been blessed with children, he is responsible to care for and to “bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). A man must take responsibility for his own life and the lives of his family and others in his care. God intended him to be the leader of his home.

There was a man in the Bible named Job. He was a good man who faced severe trials. God told him, “Gird up thy loins now like a man” (Job 40:7). God was saying, “Face life like a man. Do not make excuses and blame others. Quit nursing hurt feelings. Be the man I made you to be.”

A man of God is willing to sacrifice his own time and interests for the sake of others and to guard his home against the evils that want to enter. He will be strong enough to refuse the influences that threaten to undermine godly principles and the integrity of his home. A man who leads will try to understand the emotional and spiritual needs of those following him, and he will lead them in love (1 Peter 3:7). He is willing to admit when he is wrong, apologize, and correct his mistakes. He also has a tender heart and is not ashamed to cry with the hurting people around him. He will try to ease the burdens of his fellow man.

A godly man’s strength comes from submission to God and is an anchor where others find security. Obedience to God brings understanding, direction, and fulfillment to his life; it also honors and glorifies God.

A man’s connection to God creates a desire to know more about God’s way for men to live. He is ready and willing to sacrifice and serve others around him with strength, courage, gentleness, and steadfastness in the truth.

In a world of chaos and turmoil, those who are sad and hurting are looking for a safe place. God has given men the responsibility to provide that place. Do you feel a desire in your heart to be this kind of man? God is looking for you. Jesus gave his life for us so we can truly live. He is looking for a man to do the same for others. Are you willing to answer the call?

“And a man shall be as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land” (Isaiah 32:2).

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